The Wheels on the Bus

Posted by Chelsea on Wednesday Jan 13, 2010 Under Toddler

Lucy’s daycare had their Winter Gala last night, where all the classes performed.  Lu’s class did Wheels on the Bus and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.


They had all the parents sitting in one of the classrooms on teeny tiny chairs.


Here’s Lucy coming in for her big moment:


She was happy and smiley at first:


Then she realized that there was a big crowd of STRANGERS watching her, she cuddled up to her friend Carter and looked like a deer in the headlights:


(I know it’s blurry, but she seriously stood there for a good 45 seconds

And then she decided that it was all too much and cuddled Miss Tisha:


And she pretty much stayed that way the entire rest of the time :(  Poor thing.

If you REALLY want the full experience, I posted a video to You Tube.  It’s over 3 minutes long and is really low res and she basically just stands there.  It’s kinda sad but I captured her first performance!  It’s only up from here, right?


No worries-she recovered!



2 Responses to “The Wheels on the Bus”

  1. Kath Says:

    LOL. Loved the video. Hilarious that that one girl in the yellow dress was the only one to do a single move!

  2. Carli Says:

    Going to put this arlctie to good use now.