What a Year!!!

Posted by Chelsea on Thursday Jan 1, 2009 Under Infancy

Here’s to 2009 being as awesome as 2008!!! 2008 was by far my best year-it even surpasses 2005 when I got married and bought a house and car.

2008 was the year my biggest wish was granted and the fact that she’s better than anything I ever imagined makes it that much more sweet.

I was one of those girls who always knew she wanted to be a Mommy and since about age 18 I wanted a baby desperately. I knew intellectually that I was waaaaay too young to have a baby at 18, but emotionally and physically I wanted a baby. I would see a baby and my uterus would literally hurt. I know that sounds crazy but it’s true. This went on for 9 years until I got to finally try to have a baby-boy was I happy! I’m glad that I waited until I met Shaun, married Shaun, and had some married time with him before we brought this little girl into our lives-those 9 years were so worth it.

Shaun and Lucy-I love you more than I can ever express. Thank you for making my 2008 amazing.


One Response to “What a Year!!!”

  1. MiMi Says:

    Your Daddy and I (me? whatever) are so proud of you and the family you and Shaun have created it makes us teary. May 2009 be all you hope for and more. Much Love, Momma & Daddy AKA MiMi & PaPa đŸ™‚