Mother’s Day

Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday May 19, 2009 Under Infancy

I’m know I’m over a week late but I have a really good excuse!  I just delivered a 100 page document to one of my clients last night that I started last Monday and finished last night at 10 PM. Plus Shaun was sick all last week so life has been a wee bit hectic!


My first Mother’s Day was AWESOME!!!! My parents were in town and they spoiled me and my sweet husband and Lucy spoiled me.  Thank you!

The weekend started off with a card that Lucy made for me at daycare. It’s a handprint and oh so cute. I’d like to scan it in but haven’t gotten to that (yet). The card still makes me tear up a little bit-I love it!

Here’s some pictures.

Mother’s Day Morning:



Lucy and Shaun got me an awesome purse! I have (too) many bags and Shaun is always complaining about them. Our good friend Jill actually makes purses and I had fallen in love with one of them but knew that Shaun would not be happy if I bought another purse. Well, he bought it for me!


I LOVE THIS PURSE! You should check out all of Jill’s bags at:

Shaun also got me two of the sweetest cards. One from him and one from Lucy. They were perfect.

My parents got me a very sweet book (that I have read Mom-it’s very sweet!), a Dr. Mao book, and a cd/dvd of this really neat music project.

Later that day we went to the park. First we walked through the Japanese Garden:


With Mimi:


And then we went to the swings where Lucy actually had fun. She used to get all sleepy in the swing but not anymore!






And then Mimi and Lucy played in the dirt!



And then Lucy clowned around in Mommy’s Sunglasses:


Here’s some more pictures!

Papa and Lucy:


Lucy discovers the camera:



This past weekend, in her shorts!


At the park with Daddy:



And a good picture of her teeth (finally!):


She’s working on her top 2 front teeth but they haven’t popped through yet. You can also see her first bruise ever in this picture on her left cheek.  She whacked herself with a toy.  She didn’t cry but we heard the whack and she evidently got herself pretty good.

In other news-we think she lived on a tropical island in a previous life. She LOVES avocado, mango, and papaya. We can’t shovel it in fast enough. She also loves apples but it appears that she has an allergy to them :( She got a rash last week after we introduced apples. I’m going to try again in a few weeks. I’m also going to try yogurt this week. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here but Lucy is allergic to any and all milk products when I eat them so I’ve been completely dairy free since she was 3 weeks old. I’m supposed to try dairy every few months to see how she reacts but since we’ve been trying solids, I’ve been hesitant. The doctor said to try yogurt and see how she reacts. If she’s okay with yogurt that may mean that I can eat yogurt again. That would make me one very happy Mommy!

Lucy is also standing like a champ. Pulling herself up on Mommy and Daddy!!! But not yet on the furniture-thank goodness. She’s testing her standing ability lately by standing on one foot, then the other, holding on with one hand, letting go completely (!), and practicing falling back onto her butt versus just crashing off to the side (and on her head). She’s also thinking really hard about crawling. She’s scooching around and has all the different parts of crawling figured out, she just can’t put them together. We’re trying not to encourage it!

Can you believe she’ll be 8 months old in a few days?!?!?!

2 Responses to “Mother’s Day”

  1. "Aunt" Cindy Davis Says:

    Looks like a great time was had by everyone! And it warms my heart to see pics of Tom & JoAnne.

  2. Kath Says:

    GOSH she is cute! Love the swing photos!