36 Weeks and Keeping Her In!

Posted by Chelsea on Tuesday Sep 16, 2008 Under Pregnancy

We had quite the scare last week!  Two weekends ago (9/6) I woke up at 5 with some lower abdominal pain that was new but it seemed to get better.  I had a massage that day and DID NOT ENJOY IT AT ALL (that should have tipped me off) and had a few pains but they weren’t regular or that close to each other.  We went to Babies R’ Us to buy everything else we needed and while checking out I had 2 what I thought were contractions, followed by another one in the car and another one when we got home.  I decided to call the doctor.  He had me come in to Labor and Delivery.  They hooked me up to the monitors and sure enough I was having pretty regular contractions.  They checked me and I was a fingertip dilated and “soft”.  They continued to monitor me and decided to try to stop the contractions.  I was 35 weeks which is a transition week.  If I were 34 weeks or before they would have tried anything to get labor to stop and if I was 36 weeks they would let labor go.  Since I was 35 weeks they tried the least invasive they could and gave me a medicine that relaxes the uterus.  I did not react well.  I got an instant headache, my heart started beating really fast, and I got red all over-including the whites of my eyes.  Not fun.  The contractions continued but I was making no progress.  They gave me a shot of morphine and told me to go home and sleep.  If when I woke up I was still having contractions I was to come back in.  All the nurses were telling me that I was having a baby in the next 48 hours and the Doctors were saying that we could stop it.

We went home. Shaun frantically got the carseat together and I went to sleep.  I woke up at 3 with pretty painful contractions close together.  Back to Labor and Delivery!  They hooked me up to the monitors again and I was having contractions.  This time the baby’s heartrate was a little low but that was due to the medicine they had given me.  They had me lay on my side and drink ice cold water to wake her up-who knew! I was in the hospital until 11 am and they sent us home again with the instructions to come back when my contractions were a minute long, 4 minutes apart and I couldn’t talk through them.

We went home and Shaun frantically got all the baby stuff together and I laid on the couch.  My Mom flew up and Sunday night contractions started at about 11.  They were painful and close together but they stopped after about 35 minutes and I was able to fall asleep.  I woke up again at 3 with more painful contractions that again stopped after 35 minutes and we were able to sleep until 10.  We thought for sure we were headed back to Labor and Delivery but NO DICE-thank goodness!

Since then, I’ve been at home “taking it easy”.  No work.  No sitting up (it hurts). No walking (it makes contractions start).  No nothing really.  Just sitting here baking a baby 🙂

We’re trying to get to 37 weeks and it looks like we’ll make it!  I had my 36 week appointment today and I’m exactly where I was when I left the hospital.  They can feel her head but I’m only a fingertip dilated and I’m still supposed to “TAKE IT EASY”.  This Sunday (9/21) marks 37 weeks and I’m confident she’ll stay put.  I think she’s going to stay put until her due date actually 🙂  Dr. Medina did say that at the end of September we would discuss induction if she hasn’t come naturally yet since I’m in a lot of pain-lots of cramps and Braxton Hicks Contractions that are NOT comfortable.  But I’d rather just wait for her to come when she’s ready.  Inductions have a higher rate of C-Section and I REALLY don’t want to have a C-Section, so I think I’ll just wait.  Once I can start doing more stuff (this Sunday!!!) I think it’ll be easier and not as uncomfortable for me.

So that’s the update.  We’re here, just baking away!

5 Responses to “36 Weeks and Keeping Her In!”

  1. monica Says:

    Oh thank you for the update. I am sorry to hear you had such a scare! I’m sure you’ll make it to next week. Lucy will be here soon enough I’m sure! Good luck Chelsea, I can’t wait to read her birth story.

  2. Michelle Simmons Says:

    I am having similar pre-term labor episodes now (at 33 weeks)… I read somewhere that 50% of women who have these episodes get to full term, which I’m assuming means 37 weeks. You’re just about there! 🙂

  3. JoAnne Lingo-MiMi Says:

    I got to spend five days pampering both of my babies (Chelsea and Lucy) which was a real treat for me. We are always so busy when we visit but this time we had the luxery of getting the nursery ready and relaxing. Now she has to brood, like a hen on a nest! The next visit will be for Lucy’s birth, both PaPa and MiMi are looking forward to that one. 🙂

  4. Megan Alton Says:

    Hey Chelsea,
    How exciting that you’re getting so close to your and Lucy’s birth-day! Sounds like you’re handling everything in stride. One of my friends who had a baby recently had intense regular contractions for 10 days before her baby was born naturally. Patience is key, but that’s easier said than done. You’ll definitely know it’s time when you really have to focus on each contraction and just want to rest in between them. All my love,

  5. Cesar Says:

    For me, early labor always sratts out with 1 minute contractions, 2 minutes apart. True fact. Active labor for me is 2 minute contractions, 1 minute apart. So I’ve never experienced this 5-1-1- deal, except during false labor!In the very beginning, when it’s not too bad, I can walk in between the breaks and sway and breathe through the contractions. Once active labor sratts, though, and it sratts getting intense, I have to lay down because I can’t hold myself up during contractions. I moan really low and loud, and my husband talks me through each one. And then I get an epidural, lol.