Measuring Right on Target

Posted by Chelsea on Thursday Sep 4, 2008 Under Pregnancy

My doctor’s appointment yesterday went really well. Lucy is estimated to be a 5 pounds right now. She’s head down. My fluids look great, the placenta is in a good place, all her organs are functioning properly (from what we can tell), and she’s, as Dr. Medina put it, “100 percent a girl, I can guarantee it. There’s no question.” That’s the third ultrasound to confirm it in such a manner.  She’s NOT modest! We get a crotch shot every time!

After he did all the measurements, the machine had me measuring at 34 weeks on the dot yesterday. I was 34 weeks and 3 days so that means she’s right on target. No measurements are abnormally large or small (which in my family babies usually have REALLY big heads and are measuring REALLY big at the point-thank you Shaun Titus!) The first measurement he did was of her tummy and that had her due date at 10-18-08 and I started freaking out, but then the other measurements brought her right on target. I’m still convinced that she’s going to be late, but how late? I don’t know. Well, I guess not past 10 days late!

Her heartbeat sounds wonderful. Dr. Medina said “Just wonderful. Isn’t that beautiful? This is what labor and delivery sounds like. When you walk up and down the hall you hear all these wonderful baby heartbeats.” I :love: that my Dr. loves his job so much.

I go back in in 2 weeks after that I’m onto my “weeklies”-an appointment every week until I deliver. 38 days to go until the expected due date!

We got one, not so great picture of her face that I’ll have Shaun scan and post.  I think she looks like her Daddy.  Daddy thinks she looks like an alien.

4 Responses to “Measuring Right on Target”

  1. monica Says:

    I need MORE updates :0) More updates and more cowbell. Hope you are doing well. I had to break out the bella band to wear some pants this weekend, already!!!!

  2. Kathy Says:

    This wetsibe makes things hella easy.

  3. Says:

    Thinking like that shows an expert’s touch

  4. Says:

    If your articles are always this helpful, “I’ll be back.”